Thursday, January 29, 2009

New website is up!

Today I have changed the design of my website:

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Official Singapore 2010 Logo - Shock

I was shocked when I saw the official Singapore 2010 Youth Olympics logo which was unveiled on 10th of January:

What is this at all? The reason of my amazement is that I saw TOP100 gallery of the logos submitted by designers around the world. Many of the TOP100 logos are better than the final one. Just for example I want to show some of the top logos:

You can see other logos from TOP100 in this gallery:

From the Logo Competition Media Release:

"SYOGOC would like to thank all participants for their contributions in the
logo competition and to our judges for their hard work and support. While the
competition saw many refreshing designs, an overall best design would not be
awarded as there was no single design that could capture the elements
representative of the official logo."

"To ensure that the eventual logo will be aligned with the overall brand
identity for Singapore 2010, the finalisation of the logo was included in the scope
of work of the professional creative companies that were earlier invited to
develop the overall Singapore 2010 brand identity. The appointed company will
be tasked to refine the ideas from the logo competition and ensure that the final
logo captures the elements representative of Singapore 2010 and its brand

They hired professional creative companies which were unable to design logo. Even London 2012 logo is better than this one! Where is creativity and professionalism in this logo?!

I do not know WHO developed this logo and how much this company was paid. But it is obvious that this logo is worse than most of the TOP100 logos.

I do not know WHO selected this logo. This process was not transparent at all and this is one of the bad things that I know about Olympic Committies - absence of transparency of their decisions. 

I am disapointed with their final decision because First Youth Olympic Games got this anything but creative logo.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Instant Color Schemes

Very intersting website, just enter word/phrase and it will give you color scheme:

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! :)